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Suppose you are not interested or tired of working out your results-generating real estate Facebook Ads campaigns. 

In that case, you may be on the lookout for done for your ads campaign service providers, such as Street Text.

And since you want to know what you will be up against, you might wonder how much it costs.

Now, how much does Street Text Cost?

Depending on your contract duration, expect to pay between $160 and $250 per month.

These costs don’t include the monthly Facebook Ads spend; you will need to pay additionally (around $300).

Are you curious about all of Street Text’s features and a performance-based perspective on whether it is worthwhile?

Then please don’t hesitate to read to the end of today’s article.


What Is Street Text and What Does it Do?

Street Text is another lead generation and automation platform I have encountered lately.

It basically helps you to run Facebook Ads without you needing to know how to run them.
So, it’s a simplifying tool for Facebook Ads to capture real estate leads.

Since it’s not just about running Facebook Ads but capturing leads, it also offers lead capture designs you can use for landing pages.


How Does Street Text Work? – The Features Explained

Once you buy Street Text’s plans, their team will connect your Facebook Ads account to their system. 

They then create the necessary Facebook ads and connect the lead capture funnel to generate new leads. 

Besides Lead Text running, managing, and optimizing Facebook Ads for you, they offer several additional features. 

There is the already-mentioned lead capture system they tailored for getting buyer and seller leads.

Additionally, once they capture a lead for you, the system looks automatically for public social information about the particular lead, so you get additional information about the potential client.

You get instant text notifications to your phone once a new lead is captured so you can contact new leads when they are still “warm” (essential for sales closing rates).

While targeting specific zip codes is already a native feature of Facebook Ads, Lead Text makes this feature easier. 

It is available from the dashboard of their platform, so you can define exactly where you want the Facebook Ads to be run.

The next feature is also a Facebook Ads native one, which is scheduling ads at certain times

However, this can be tricky to configure in Facebook’s Ads Manager, but it is simplified with Street Text. 

The email you use there is most often not a fake one to be a Facebook user. 

Therefore, the emails you can collect with Facebook lead ads are usually more reliable, and fewer are fake.

Nevertheless, a fair share can still be fake emails. 

Street Text automatically verifies the email addresses you collect through their campaigns to add a layer of verification.

Suppose you use third-party software to manage your leads, such as customer relationship software (CRM).

In that case, avoid exporting and importing leads manually from Street Text to your software.

Therefore, the platform integrates with Zapier, a software bridging tool enabling you to connect Street Text with over 700 apps.

I don’t see this as an outstanding feature since the same is possible with the Facebook Ads platform and Zapier. 

The most significant benefit I see is their proprietary lead capture and funneling system. I will further explain this later in whether Street Text is worth trying.

Why is it the core benefit?

It provides you with a shortcut to winning Facebook Ads campaigns. 

Otherwise, you would have to develop, tweak, and optimize them yourself over many weeks and sometimes months until you get the desired results you need.

So, I think that this is actually the core benefit of Street Text.

Street Text has further time-saving features.

It’s automatically emailing every lead, auto-responders, and features that somewhat resemble a CRM and task management application.

Here is a short list of these additional features:

  • Conversation tracking by saving notes on particular leads
  • Task creation, with reminders (e.g., to follow up)
  • Transaction management and tracking
  • An overview of all pending deals (deal pipeline)
  • Lead management (e.g., editing) from one dashboard
  • Lead export as CSV file

Street Text won’t take over and take control of your Facebook Ads account. Although they run the campaigns for you, you can still access your account and manage the campaigns.

Should you want or need to outsource Street Text, you can do so and have your assistant trained via video and blog tutorials the company offers. 

Apart from the mentioned features, the company also offers live phone support. 

You can look closely at your Facebook Ads analytics results and key performance marketing indicators.

You can also find other Street Text clients in the so-called “Insider Group,” where you can exchange ideas about, for example, improving follow-up techniques.


How Much Does Street Text Cost?

Street Text offers three different pricing plans that don’t differ in features but in the monthly costs and contract duration.

There is a three-month, six-month, and twelve-month plan.

The pricing is the following:

  • Three-month plan: $750 upfront, then $250 monthly
  • Six-month plan: $1200 upfront, then $200 monthly
  • Twelve-month plan: $1920 upfront, then $160 monthly

The costs incurred from Facebook are not charged directly by Street Text but by Facebook.

So, you only pay for the service and features the company provides.


Pros and Cons of Street Text

Let’s quickly look at Street Text’s pros and cons to get a better objective picture.


The Pros

  • You likely get faster to your desired lead generation results with Facebook Ads. Additionally, you save time and money on testing a new campaign through Street Text’s lead capture funneling system compared to if you were on your own.
  • You get assistance and suggestions for improvements through their support.
  • You get an additional layer of email verification for incoming leads.


The Cons

  • You have higher monthly costs since you pay for Street Text and your Facebook Ads costs.
  • Some of the features they offer, such as scheduling ads at certain times and integrating third-party applications via Zapier, can already be done directly on Facebook.


Three Alternatives to Street Text

Since I want to do this review as unbiasedly as possible, I would also like to discuss the alternatives of Street Text that are out there.

So, let’s have a look:

  • DFY: More generic ad campaign services, not exclusively tailored to real estate
  • Brivity: Similar to Street Text and tailored to real estate. Here, you can also read a recently done review article of mine.
  • LeadPops: Specialized in the real estate, mortgage, and insurance industry


Is Street Text Worth While? – A Performance-Based Second Look

how much does streettext cost

Using Street Text, you likely shorten the time until you have a winning Facebook Ads campaign. 

This is the main benefit I see in Street Text and further done for your PPC campaign services. 

Yes, besides the usual ad costs you pay to Facebook, you additionally pay Street Text for their service and features. 

Nevertheless, by using their services, you likely shorten the time.

You also save the money you would otherwise spend monthly for lead generation experiments until you have optimized and tweaked a Facebook Ads campaign to a reliable and constantly leads-producing winning campaign.

So, you may avoid 3-6 months of not getting any good results with a Facebook Ads campaign you create, run, and constantly optimize yourself by paying extra for Street Text’s services, platform features, and campaign types that have already been tested.

But, as you can imagine, this benefit only holds up, provided they use a constantly tested and optimized lead capture system that produces the desired results.

If it holds up, you will have a positive return on your investment even though you pay extra for Street Text’s services every month. 

How is this possible?

Let’s take a look at current marketing performance data from Facebook Ads.

Based on the 2021 data from this source, you can expect to pay for Facebook Ads on an average of $57.27 per real estate lead and have an average monthly ad spend of $637.50

This means, on average, 11.13 real estate leads per month.

This is provided you run your own Facebook Ads campaigns and already have a winning campaign. 

Suppose you don’t get to a winning campaign from the get-go, which is highly likely if you are starting and no A/B testing was done.

In that case, you may pay these monthly $637.50 for months without getting the results you want until you do. 

Let’s assume you use the six-month plan and pay an additional $200 monthly for Street Text’s services.

Considering the service fee part of the monthly ad spend, you would pay $837.50 instead of $637.50 for the same number of 11.13 leads, leading to an increased cost per lead of $75.24.

Assuming the average 27% closing rate I mentioned in this article, you would close three on average and have a cost per sale (ignoring other expenses you might have related to your sales operations) of $279.16.

Considering the average realtor commission I discussed in this article of $22,443, you would still be in quite a good position in terms of positive return on ad spend.

Overall, you may try Street Text, maybe not with the 12-month plan from the start, so you are not tied to a long contract duration should things not work out the way you want.

So, I would go with the three-month plan in the beginning.
You can learn more about them here.

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team. It has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

Tobias Schnellbacher