Lead Generation & Nurturing
The 11 Real Estate Lead Gen Areas Where You Might Leave Money on the Table
There are 11 lead gen areas where you might leave money on the table at this very moment. And in some shape or form, many website owners do. So it’s not just real estate pros using their websites to generate leads. If you use your real estate website to generate...
Why Real Estate Conversion Rates Are 6-Times Below Average
Did you know that the average lead conversion rates of real estate websites are actually pretty bad? For a few months now, I've been trying to find a likely reason for this. But how bad is the lead conversion rate on real estate websites? According to this source,...
5 Tips to Get “Organic” & Rewarded Real Estate Referrals
As you may have read in my article, there is always a risk when it comes to referrals. It’s the risk of becoming an “outcast” as the referee. The one referring always wants the potential reward weight more than the risk of becoming an “outcast.” So, practical tips to...
The Two Real Estate Referral Types
Real estate referrals are part of general referral marketing. Wikipedia's definition of referral marketing is the following: “Referral marketing is a word-of-mouth initiative designed by a company to incentivize existing customers to introduce their family, friends,...
How to Get Free Real Estate Leads (Spoiler: You Can’t)
Someone telling you there are free ways to get real estate leads either isn’t honest or hasn’t thought it through yet. Why? When we dive deeper into what "free" means, we can see it's not as straightforward as it might seem at first glance. Time Investment The most...
25 Surprising Statistics About Real Estate Direct Mail
The following 25 surprising statistics will help you improve your real estate direct mail campaign results. 10 Direct Mail Statistics for Different Generations Someone invented the idea that Gen-Z were born between 1997 and 2012. This generation perceives direct...