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There are a ton of email marketing software platforms out there. 

Finding the right one for real estate professionals is difficult and borderline overwhelming. My article today will hopefully help you with that.

So, I will first give you an overview of the benefits of email marketing and determine the criteria for good email marketing software.

This is, so you can also search for the right one on your own and then analyze a total of 15 email marketing providers considering the most important criteria.

And I will already spoil the results right here.

What is the best email marketing software for real estate I found? All the selected platforms already fulfill the criteria for “good.” 

But according to my analysis and total points distributed in my table, two were the best. They are CleverReach and Sendinblue.


30 Stats about Email Marketing

General Statistics about Email Marketing Benefits

  • Each $1 you spend on email generates $38 (an ROI of 3,800%) (source).
  • There were more than 5.6 billion email accounts in 2019 (source).
  • 3.9 billion people use email daily, and this number is projected to rise to 4.3 billion by 2023 (source).
  • Email newsletters are the most used form of content marketing, say 81% of B2B marketers (source).
  • For 87% of B2B marketers, email is one of their best free organic distribution channels (source).
  • In 85% of the cases, email marketing is used for lead generation, 84% for sales, 78% for lead nurturing, and in 74% of the cases, for customer retention (source).
  • That email marketing can increase customer retention is believed by 80% of business professionals (source).


Email Campaign Performance

  • Emails never reach the inbox in 16% of the cases (source).
  • Marketers who use segmentation in their email campaigns achieve 760% in revenue (source).
  • One of the top metrics for 90% of content marketers measuring content performance is email engagement (source).
  • For 47% of marketers, email marketing is the most effective marketing channel, followed by 39% for social media, 33% for SEO, and 33% for content marketing (source).
  • During weekends, you likely get the worst open and click-through rates (source).
  • You want to send emails at 11 am, and 12 am is best for the highest CTR (source).
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best days for sending emails (source).
  • There is a 50% higher CTR for segmented email marketing campaigns than when you don’t segment or target (source).
  • If you include a video in the initial email, it gets a CTR increase of 96% (source).
  • Open rates can be increased by 19%, CTR by 65%, and unsubscribe rates reduced by 26% when the word “video” is used (source).
  • Emails received an average click-through rate (CTR) of 3.43% (source), the average unsubscribe rate was 0.2% (source), and the average open rate was 22.15% in 2019 (source).


Email Recipient Behavior

  • 46% of all email opens come from mobile (source).
  • 21% of emails are opened within the first hour of delivery (source).
  • Regarding business communication, 72% of customers prefer email as the main channel (source).
  • Millennials use and like seeing GIFs, emojis, and stickers in emails, but this is only the case for 37% of people over 65 (source).
  • On the other hand, if you include an emoji in the subject line, it creates a 56% increased open rate (source).
  • 35% of business professionals check emails on a mobile device (source).
  • When it comes to opening and reading emails, the Apple iPhone app is the most popular (29%), followed by Gmail (27%) (source).
  • Marketing emails influence the purchase decision of 59% of the respondents (source).

Email Marketer Approaches

  • Email Automation techniques are used by 64% of B2B respondents (source).
  • When it comes to tactics for automation, mapping the customer experience (53%) and personalizing messages (51%) seem to be the best (source).
  • List segmentation (51%), personalization (50%), and triggered emails (45%) appear to be the top 3 email marketing tactics (source).
  • Very few (4%) marketers use highly-personalized targeting. Only 13% segment their audiences, 31% do some basic segmentation, and a large group of 53% does no segmentation at all (source).


Criteria for Good Real Estate Marketing Software

As you will see later in this article, many different email marketing software products are available.

It’s, therefore, essential to know by which criteria to filter them and find the best for your real estate marketing campaigns.

So, in this section, I will present you with 19 criteria.

Still, to simplify the selection process for your real estate business, I will prioritize them based on the above statistics.

Doing that can make the decision process easier and focus on the most important ones.

But let’s see first what the overall criteria are.

19 General Criteria to Select a Real Estate Marketing Software

1) Marketing Automation

This criterion is important if you need to save time (I guess most of you do) because it will make it easier for you to do repetitive email marketing tasks.

Automation should include autoresponder functionality (pre-scheduled email sending).

So emails can be sent based on a pre-defined behavior trigger, list segmentation, and RSS feeds.

The latter is also called automatic broadcasting. These emails are sent once you have, for example, a new blog article published.

2) Mobile-Friendly/Responsive Email Designs

As we saw in the statistics, more and more people are opening their emails on their mobile devices.

Therefore, email marketing software must support responsive email designs or email templates.

And especially for real estate, it should have some templates tailored to that.

3) Cost & Budget Friendliness

This factor is, of course, always on a business owner’s mind.

You want to get the most out of real estate marketing software for the lowest possible costs, especially if you are starting out.

4) Performance Analytics

As with all other marketing campaigns, you don’t want to fly blindly and not know how well or badly the campaign did.

Regarding email marketing, you want access to analytics that can measure key performance indicators such as open rates, click-through rates, deliverability, and more.

5) A/B Testing Capabilities

This criterion ties into the performance analytics and performance optimization of your email marketing campaigns.

You want to be able to create two different versions of the same email marketing campaign to have them compete against each other.

Doing so can optimize your campaigns, increase your open and click-through rates, and lead to customer conversion.

6) An Intuitive and User-Friendly Email Editor

No one wants to waste hours figuring out how to compose an email with the respective email marketing software.

An important criterion is that the available email editor is easy to understand and thus intuitive and user-friendly.

So, you should be able to easily design an email with a drag-and-drop builder.

7) An Easy to Use and User-Friendly Campaign Builder

The chosen email marketing software should allow you to create campaigns easily without losing the overview.

Largely automated campaigns with different triggers and segmentations can get complex pretty fast.

The system design should be done so that you can use easy steps to build complex campaigns without losing the overview.

8) Webinar Compatibility or Webinar Tools

This is not as important as you might think. You can always use other webinar tools and include a link to your webinar in your emails.

But it would be nice to have some webinar functionality or the option to integrate third-party provider webinars into your real estate email marketing campaigns.

A functionality for that would include an invitation and reminder delivery system.

9) A Sound Opt-In and Opt-Out Process

Regarding legal aspects, the double opt-in email validation process is essential.

So, email marketing software should include this functionality.

Double opt-in means subscribers can re-confirm the subscription with an additional click from their email inbox.

The same is true for the opt-out or unsubscribe process. Remember that the email marketing software provider should be CAN-SPAM and GDPR compliant.

10) Contact Management/ Segmentation Options

This one is, again, critical.

You want to manage your email list dynamically so that you can segment, tag, and sort it.

This ability will directly influence your metrics, such as open and click-through rates, as we have already seen in the above statistics.


11) Deliverability

Since 16% of emails don’t even reach the inbox, email deliverability is another crucial criterion.

So, the email marketing software provider should have processes such as threat-free, spam-free, whitelisting, authentication (e.g., DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), Sender Policy Framework (SPF), and Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC)) and hygiene processes in place.

In this context, it’s also essential to check which plans include shared IP or dedicated IP email servers and the overall reputation of the email software company.

12) Scalability

This criterion might not be that relevant initially.

Still, it might happen that you will have a large and growing email list in the future.

So, you want to know from the get-go about their maximum capacity. And depending on your email volume, you also want to know the costs involved.

Providers usually charge based on the number of emails sent out per month and/or the number of subscribers in your email list.

13) Social Media Capacity

This one is rather not that important, especially since the organic reach of social media platforms is declining daily.

So, a nice criterion is finding an email software provider that can integrate social media sharing buttons into your emails.

14) Access for Developers (API) for HTML Emails

Suppose you are a bit more advanced or have developers at your disposal.

In that case, you also want to find an email marketing software provider where you can create HTML emails or can access an application programming interface.

This is so you can customize your campaigns as much as possible.

I consider this also a nice to have criterion. Not having this feature is not necessarily a success-impeding factor.

15) Security of User Data

You also want to ensure that the email marketing software provider has enough security measures for the customer data you will save with them.

This is another legal aspect and potential risk if this factor is not considered.

16) Third-Party Integration Abilities

This criterion is another important one. You want to find a provider that makes it easy to do the following:

  • Import an already existing email list from another provider.
  • Connect to website elements like opt-in forms, third-party landing page providers, and content management systems like WordPress.
  • Connect and integrate customer relationship management software (for realtors).

17) Personalization Capacities

Remember what I mentioned above?

Personalization is one of the 3 top email marketing tactics, leading to higher open rates.

So, this capacity is quite important and should be available from a good email marketing software provider.

18) Lead Scoring

Suppose your email marketing software provider has a lead-scoring method.

In that case, you can classify different leads according to their quality, potential, and behavior.

By doing that, you will know how to engage with them and can target them better.

19) Good Technical Support

This criterion is not necessarily a must-have for successful email marketing campaigns.

However, it is always good to be able to contact technical support should you run into technical issues in your email campaigns.

Overview of Criteria for a Good Email Marketing Software Provider

From my past articles, you may already know that I like to use tables and decision grids to filter out crucial from not-so-important information.

I will do the same with the criteria so we can analyze the email marketing software providers with the most important of them.

To determine the criteria, I will consider especially those that overlap with and support the statistics above and with the needs of real estate professionals in mind.

CriterionImportance (0-10)
Marketing Automation10
Mobile-Friendly/Responsive Email Designs10
Performance Analytics10
A/B Testing Capabilities10
A Sound Opt-In and Opt-Out Process10
Contact Management/ Segmentation Options10
Personalization Capacities10
Security of User Data10
Cost & Budget Friendliness9
An Intuitive and User-Friendly Email Edito9
An Easy to Use and User-Friendly Campaign Builder9
Third Party Integration Abilities9
Webinar Compatibility or Webinar Tools5
Social Media Capacity5
Access for Developers (API) for HTML Emails5
Lead Scoring5
Good Technical Support5


13 Email Marketing Software Providers

best email marketing software for real estate

Now, let’s get to the actual email marketing providers for real estate. 

However, you should know that no email marketing provider is exclusively tailored to the real estate industry. 

But what are tailored to the real estate industry are email design templates that some services provide and some don’t. 

Also, some integrate better with real estate-related customer relationship management systems than others.

You will realize another thing in this section.

The lines become increasingly blurred between email marketing and customer relationship management software providers.

Many email software providers offer different types of CRM functionality and vice versa, which you may have already read in my article about customer relationship management software for real estate.

So here they are:

MailGet ($0-$83/M)Constant Contact ($12-$80/M)Benchmark (dynamic pricing)CleverReach (from $0/M)Campaign Monitor ($-$149/M)Mailchimpg ($0-$87.50)Mailerlite ($0-$1,600/M)GetResponse ($19-$119/M)ActiveCampaign ($49-$149/M)AWeber ($0-$899/M)Sendx (from $9.99/M)SendPulse ($0-$13.44/M for 500 subscribers)Brevo ($0-$65/M)
In-built SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).Drag and Drop Email BuilderEmail MarketingIntuitive drag-and-drop editorDrag & drop builderCRM functionality and third-party CRM integration with 50 different providersDrag and drop email builderAutomationThird-party application featureAI-powered email template designerEmail list importDrag and Drop Email EditorDrag and drop email builder
Connectable SMTP services such as MailGun, Amazon SES, SendGrid.Email marketing automationDrag and drop email builderPre-made email design templatesPre-made templates (including for real estate)Custom sign-up forms and pop-upsPre-made newsletter templatesDrag and drop email creator.Website trackingPre-made email templates (including real estate)Automation with email broadcasts and drip sequences by user activity and audience segmentsAutomation60+ pre-made email templates
List cleaning functionalitySocial postingEmail design templatesSubscriber/ recipient managementAutomationList segmentation by location, sign-up source, behavior, tags, and predictive insightsWebsite builder, landing pages, pop-ups, and embedded formsGoal-oriented pre-made email templates, including real estate and also custom onesMigration servicesLanding Page BuilderCampaign analyticsSubscriber ratingEmail personalization
Drip automationSchedulingPop-ups, sign-up forms, and landing page buildersDelivery testingPersonalization with time zone sending and send time optimization.Campaign automation based on campaign and website engagement, purchase behaviorEmail list and subscriber management in one place, including import functionality, custom field segmentation, filtering, and taggingBuilt-in photo editorGmail ExtensionDrag and Drop BuilderEmail Pop-Up Form, inline form, and landing page builderPersonalizationList segmentation by interest, previous engagement, and socio-economic or geographical characteristics
Drag and drop email builder.AnalyticsAutomation (autoresponders, automated drip campaigns)Automation: follow-ups & autorespondersCampaign performance trackingContent studio with drag-and-drop email builder, media synchronization, AI-powered creative assistantAutomation with a simple workflow design, welcome sequences, follow-up sequences, behavioral and activity triggers, the anniversary of date, or based on the RSS feed of your blog (broadcasting)5000 free stock-photosCustomizable automated goalsAutomation: automatic broadcasts, triggered emails, emails by tagsList segmentationSubscription formsSend-time optimization
Easy email importFacebook and Instagram adsPersonalization and tailored messagingReporting, tracking & analyticsA/B TestingPre-made email design templates and customizable templates with HTMLList segmentationList segmentation and personalization with custom segments, dynamic content, and contact taggingCampaign analyticsPersonalization by tagging and segmentationDrag and drop email editorCampaign analytics and statisticsEmail campaign analytics
List ManagementEmail import functionTracking and analyticsWhitelisting, quality, and spam testsList segmentationPersonalizationPersonalizationThird-Party IntegrationsCustom forms to collect emails.Almost guaranteed deliverabilityMore than 50 pre-made email templates (including real estate)Google Analytics IntegrationPersonalized bulk SMS campaigns, including analytics
Automatic follow-up emailsCustomizable email design templates (including real estate)Email segmentationMember of certified senders allianceCustomer interaction tracking at one glanceAutomatic subject line helperCampaign analyticsEmail deliverability with automatic list hygiene, spam checkerAI Email Content GenerationCampaign analytics and reportingPersonalizationOver 100 pre-made email design templates (including real estate)Website chat
The in-build lead capture toolE-Commerce supportHot leads alertsSupports SPF authenticationThird-party integrationsSend time optimizationA/B split testingAnalyticsPredictive Sending AIA/B testing for subject lines and email contentDeliverability is based on 30 parametersSegmentation by gender, geographic location, and interestsCRM
Multiple email delivery vendors (external SMTPs)Customizable pop-up formsA/B testing featuresDomainKeys identified mail authentication.Custom email sign-up forms and landing pagesA/B TestingAuto-resend unopened campaigns and automatic follow-up with a personal noteA/B testing capabilities for subject linesList segmentation by location, age, and many different behaviorsSign-Up Forms500,000+ free stock photosA/B TestingAutomation workflows
SMTP routingEvent supportThird-party IntegrationsSecure data and server locationsAutomation with workflow designEmbedded surveysWebforms, list builder apps, and surveysAutomation by broadcast triggered targeted emails, autoresponders, email funnels, and scheduled emails.List Migration ServicesAPIsTeam collaboration functionality by different user access levelsDrag & Drop landing page builder
Subscription formsSurveys & PollsAPI to connect to other applicationsSecurity checkA large list of third-party applicationsWebinar creatorPersonalization based on contact information, dynamic content, tagging, custom fieldsThird-Party IntegrationA/B testing capabilitiesThird-party app integration: 186 appsDrag & Drop email sign-up builder
Email tracking (Analytics)CouponsZapier integrationSSL EncryptionGood deliverability with dedicated IPs, custom reverse DNS, rule engine, custom tagging, and white-labelingConversion funnels: webinar funnel, lead funnels, and sales funnelsA/B TestingThird-party integration with 18 app platformsFacebook and Telegram chatbot builderFacebook Ad Creator directly from the platform
AutorespondersLanding pagesDashboard with real-time insightsCAPTCHACampaign analytics, including open, click and bounce rates, real-time statistics at a glance, engagement and revenue reports, and metrics benchmarking against competition.Landing page builderDeliverability: part of the Messaging Malware Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group, managed deliverabilityBulk SMS Service to 1000+ mobile network operators in more than 200 countries, including personalization and CRM integrationDedicated IPs for large senders
Image libraryContact’s activity in real-timeIntegration with several different CRMs and E-commerce platformsSurveys and polls25+ Pre-made email templatesWeb-Push Notifications, including a developer API (application programming interface) and A/B testing
Over 2000 third-party app integrationsSocial media pics and profile links are integrated into the contact’s data.Unsubscribe FormsMulti-User EditorDeliverability with a built-in spam checker
List segmentationDeal trackingA/B TestingFree image hosting
Inbox correspondence trackingMultilingual InterfacePerformance tracking of individual team members
Contact importBounce ManagementProbability calculation of deals (how likely you are to win a deal)
Gmail integrationNurture campaigns for deals that are not yet ready to close.
Automatic lead segmentation
Lead scoring
Notification emails once your team needs to follow up again
Update deals automatically by deal owners, deal stage, deals won or lost, and deal value
Task assignment to team members
Note creation within each deal

1) Pabbly

One of the advantages of MailGet is that you can start with it for free with limited functionality and go from there.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t identify any A/B testing capabilities.


  • Provides an in-built SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
  • You can connect your SMTP services such as MailGun, Amazon SES, SendGrid.
  • List cleaning functionality (removing bad emails before sending)
  • Drip automation (scheduled email delivery)
  • Drag and drop email builder.
  • Easy email import
  • List Management
    Automatic follow-up emails to subscribers not opening your first email
  • The in-build lead capture tool
  • The option to send emails through multiple email delivery vendors (external SMTPs)
  • SMTP routing
  • Subscription forms
  • Email tracking (Analytics)
  • Autoresponders

Pricing: $0-$83 per month

You can learn more about the provider here.

2) Constant Contact

Constant Contact is one of the more well-known email marketing software providers.

In contrast to MailGet, they have A/B testing capabilities and slightly more tracking and analytics options.


  • Drag and Drop Email Builder
  • Email marketing automation: welcome emails, triggered emails, contact segmentation, follow-ups to non-openers
  • Social posting, inbox, scheduling, and analytics
  • Facebook and Instagram ads
  • Email import function for contact lists from Excel, Outlook, Salesforce, and more
  • Tracking and analytics for metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and more
  • Customizable email design templates (including real estate)
  • E-Commerce support
  • Customizable pop-up forms
  • Event support
  • Surveys & Polls
  • Coupons
  • Landing pages
  • Image library
  • Over 2000 third-party app integrations are available
  • List segmentation

Pricing: $12 – $80

You can learn more about the provider here.


3) Benchmark

Benchmark One is a bit more than just email marketing software. 

It also offers many third-party integrations and features you may be familiar with from customer relationship management systems.


  • Email Marketing
  • Drag and drop email builder
  • Email design templates
  • Pop-ups, sign-up forms, and landing page builders with tagging new subscribers
  • Automation with autoresponders, automated drip campaigns
  • Personalization and tailored messaging
  • Tracking and analytics of important metrics (e.g., open rates, ctr, conversions)
  • Email segmentation
  • Hot leads alerts (when someone shows buying behavior)
  • A/B testing features
  • Third-party Integrations
  • API to connect to other applications
  • Zapier integration
  • Dashboard with real-time insights
  • Contact’s activity in real-time (who is visiting which pages of your website)
  • Social media pics and profile links are integrated into the contact’s data.
  • Deal tracking
  • Inbox correspondence tracking
  • Contact import
  • Gmail integration

Pricing is pretty dynamic and depends on how many email subscribers you will have. You can test it for free for up to 500 monthly subscribers. 

You can learn more about the provider here

4) CleverReach

It is worth mentioning regarding CleverReach that you can start it for free, and you will get most of the features already in the free version. 

This is provided you don’t have more than 250 email subscribers and don’t send more than 1,000 emails monthly. 

Still, this is a bit more generous than other providers offering a free version but with significantly limited features.

What also stands out is its focus on deliverability and data security measures.

One of the downsides is that the pricing is charged in euros and can’t be changed to dollars.


  • Intuitive drag-and-drop editor
  • Pre-made email design templates, and you can create your own
  • Subscriber/ recipient management (activities, profile management)
  • Delivery testing before sending emails out
  • Automation: follow-ups & autoresponders, trigger campaigns, re-engagements, welcome messages, and confirmations
  • Reporting, tracking & analytics: open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribes, bounces, geo, and email client analysis, conversions, Google Analytics integration, ad tracking
  • Whitelisting, quality, and spam tests
  • Member of certified senders alliance
  • Supports SPF authentication
  • DomainKeys identified mail authentication.
  • Secure data and server locations
  • Security check: all outgoing newsletters must pass a security check before their delivery
  • SSL Encryption
  • Integration with several different CRMs and E-commerce platforms, such as Salesforce and SugarCRM, and more
  • Unsubscribe Forms
  • A/B Testing
  • Multilingual Interface
  • Bounce Management: eliminates invalid email addresses.

Here pricing, too, depends on the number of monthly recipients and emails you send.

You can use it for free with up to 250 subscribers and 1,000 emails monthly.

After that, pricing starts at €250 monthly with an unlimited number of emails you can send and goes up to €499 monthly with no upper limit for subscribers but capped at 250,000 monthly emails.

You can learn more about the provider here.

5) Campaign Monitor

In terms of functionality, this is a bit of a slimmer version of CleverReach, but with a nicer and more elegant look and feel. 

The analytics section especially has some beautiful data visualization options.


  • Drag & drop builder: customizable, mobile optimized, and template management for teams
  • Pre-made templates (including for real estate)
  • Automation: easy email sequence design for reminder emails, reminders, re-engagements, and more
  • Personalization with time zone sending and send time optimization.
  • Email analytics of campaign performance tracking open rates, click-through rates, bounces, click-to-open rates, shares, and real-time results.
  • A/B Testing
  • List segmentation
  • Customer interaction tracking at one glance
  • Third-party integrations with WordPress, Google Analytics, Salesforce, Unbounce, Branche, Intercom, and more
  • Custom email sign-up forms and landing pages


From $9 per month with a limit of 500 subscribers, max. 2,500 sent emails per month, and limited features to $149 per month with unlimited features, subscribers, and emails sent.

You can learn more about the provider here.

6) Mailchimp

Mailchimp stands out because of the vast array of third-party customer relationship management software providers that can be integrated and connected with it, but not limited to these. 

The provider has the third largest number of third-party applications that can be integrated (261 in total). 

Only ActiveCampaign and AWeber are ahead with more than 350.

The next feature that stands out is the different list segmentation options. It includes segmentation by predictive insights (done via machine learning) and artificial intelligence-powered “creative assistant” to design email campaigns.


  • CRM functionality and third-party CRM integration with 50 different providers
  • Custom sign-up forms and pop-ups
  • List segmentation by location, sign-up source, behavior, tags, and predictive insights
  • Campaign automation based on campaign and website engagement, purchase behavior (only relevant for e-commerce, not for real estate)
  • Content studio with drag-and-drop email builder, media synchronization, AI-powered creative assistant
  • Pre-made email design templates and customizable templates with HTML
  • Personalization
  • Automatic subject line helper (draws data from the thousands of emails sent per second from Mailchimp and gives you feedback for improvement)
  • Send time optimization helps you to automatically send your emails at the best times possible.
  • A/B Testing, including tests to certain list segments, A/B testing graphics, subject lines, layouts, and send times
  • Automation with workflow design (based on customer journey) for scenarios such as welcome emails, follow-ups, birthdays, retargeting, and more
  • A large list of third-party applications that can be integrated (a total of 261)
  • Good deliverability with dedicated IPs, custom reverse DNS, rule engine, custom tagging, and white-labeling
  • Campaign analytics, including open, click and bounce rates, real-time statistics at a glance, engagement and revenue reports, and metrics benchmarking against competition.
  • Surveys and polls

Pricing: $0 to $87.50 monthly for the paid plans with up to 500 subscribers.

The free version works only if you don’t have more than 500 subscribers, don’t send more than 1,000 emails monthly, and don’t need to create more than one email list.

You can learn more about the provider here.

7) MailerLite

I would call MailerLite the “light” version of Mailchimp with fewer features and machine learning elements. 

But it’s slightly more profitable in the free version, where you will get more features than with Mailchimp. 

However, you will be better off with Mailchimp economically speaking once your subscriber count increases.


  • Drag and drop email builder with a rich text editor
  • Pre-made newsletter templates
  • Website builder, landing pages, pop-ups, and embedded forms
  • Email list and subscriber management in one place, including import functionality, custom field segmentation, filtering, and tagging
  • Automation with a simple workflow design, welcome sequences, follow-up sequences, behavioral and activity triggers, the anniversary of date, or based on the RSS feed of your blog (broadcasting)
  • List segmentation based on behavior, custom fields, tagging, interest, engagement, sign-up form, geography, and time zone, combining segments
  • Personalization by text within the email, preheader text, subject line, dynamic content blocks (certain content that only a few can see) from the sender
  • Campaign analytics by open rates, click rates, device breakdown, link activity, real-time map reports, and opens by location.
  • A/B split testing by subject line, sender details, email content, and design
  • Auto-resend unopened campaigns and automatic follow-up with a personal note.
  • Embedded surveys


If you do not have over 1,000 subscribers, you can use it with slightly limited features for free. 

The remaining pricing is based on the number of subscribers you have. 

Prices start at $9 per month once you have more than 1,000 subscribers and can go up to $1,600 once you have 500,000 subscribers.

You can learn more about the provider here.

8) GetResponse

With a total of 150, GetResponse comes close to the number of applications of Mailchimp that can be integrated from third-party providers. 

What also stands out are its additional features that are focused on lead generation, such as landing pages, conversion funnels, and webinars.


  • Automation: automated email sequences, action-based email sequences, post sharing on social media via email, time-based emails with the timing tool, custom workflows, and email broadcasts
  • Drag and drop email creator.
  • Goal-oriented pre-made email templates, including real estate and also custom ones
  • Built-in photo editor
  • 5000 free stock-photos
  • List segmentation and personalization with custom segments, dynamic content, and contact tagging
  • Third-Party Integrations from 126 providers, including CRMs, e-commerce, social, analytics, and CMS
  • Email deliverability with automatic list hygiene, spam checker
  • Analytics: open rates and click rates, user behavior, bounce rates, unsubscribes, engagement rates, desktop vs. mobile performance, and conversions
  • A/B testing capabilities for subject lines
  • Webforms, list builder apps, and surveys
  • Webinar creator
  • Conversion funnels: webinar funnel, lead funnels, and sales funnels
  • Landing page builder


The monthly starting price for a maximum of 2,500 emails sends monthly is $19.

It costs $119 for the e-commerce version, which includes all the possible features and no limits regarding monthly email sends. 

The free plan, for example, doesn’t include the automation builder, which I consider an important criterion. Webinars are not included either.

Both features you only get once you pay for the “Marketing Automation” plan at $59 monthly. 

You can learn more about the provider here.

9) ActiveCampaign

Active Campaign is one of these software platforms where the lines between email marketing and customer relationship software are blurred because you will be provided with both.

It also provides you with the second-highest number of integrations of third-party applications.

General Features:

  • Third-party application features for more than 350 different apps.
  • Website tracking
  • Migration services
  • Gmail Extension
  • Customizable automated goals

Email Marketing Features:

  • Campaign analytics with advanced reporting, including open rates, click rates, unsubscribes, email clients, geographic data, contact data, and more.
  • Custom forms to collect emails.
  • AI Email Content Generation
  • Predictive Sending AI
  • List segmentation by location, age, and many different behaviors
  • Automation by broadcast triggered targeted emails, autoresponders, email funnels, and scheduled emails.
  • Personalization based on contact information, dynamic content, tagging, custom fields
  • A/B Testing
  • Deliverability: part of the Messaging Malware Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group, managed deliverability
  • 25+ Pre-made email templates
  • Multi-User Editor
  • Free image hosting

CRM Features:

  • Performance tracking of individual team members
  • Probability calculation of deals (how likely you are to win a deal)
  • Nurture campaigns for deals that are not yet ready to close.
  • Automatic lead segmentation
  • Lead scoring
  • Notification emails once your team needs to follow up again
  • Update deals automatically by deal owners, deal stage, deals won or lost, and deal value
  • Task assignment to team members
  • Note creation within each deal

Pricing:  You pay $49 for the Plus and  $149 monthly for the Professional plan with all the features.

You can learn more about the provider here.

10) Aweber

Aweber offers the largest third-party app integrations, with over 800 apps. 

It also stands out that they offer pre-made email templates for real estate professionals.


  • AI-powered email template designer
  • Pre-made email templates (including real estate)
  • Landing Page Builder
  • Drag and Drop Builder
  • Automation: automatic broadcasts, triggered emails, emails by tags
  • Personalization by tagging and segmentation
  • Almost guaranteed deliverability
  • Campaign analytics and reporting: pre-built reports, key performance indicators (open rates, click rate, and more)
  • A/B testing for subject lines and email content
  • Sign-Up Forms
  • List Migration Services
  • Third-Party Integration: More than 800 third-party apps are integrated with AWeber


If you can live with limited features and up to 500 subscribers, you can get it for $0 per month. 

Depending on the number of subscribers, they charge between $14.99 and $899 (for over 100,000 subscribers) per month for all the available features.

You can learn more about the provider here.

11) SendX

SendX stands out with its click heatmaps for email campaigns and its focus on affordability. 

But keep in mind that the maximum number of monthly subscribers is 15,000.


  • Email list import
  • Automation with email broadcasts and drip sequences by user activity and audience segments
  • Campaign analytics with open rates, click rates, conversions, and email click heatmaps
  • Email Pop-Up Form, inline form, and landing page builder
  • List segmentation
  • Drag and drop email editor
  • More than 50 pre-made email templates (including real estate)
  • Personalization
  • Deliverability is based on 30 parameters, such as past open behavior, timezone, domain name, email client, ISP, and more
  • 500,000+ free stock photos
  • APIs
  • A/B testing capabilities
  • Third-party integration with 18 app platforms


SendX offers a free trial, and the monthly pricing starts at $9.99 with up to 1,000 subscribers.

You can learn more about the provider here.

12) SendPulse

This email marketing provider is one of the few offering Facebook and Telegram chatbots, web push, and SMS marketing communication features.

They are also quite affordable and generous, including up to 15,000 subscribers in their free plan.


  • Drag and Drop Email Editor
  • Automation: resend to unopened emails, web-push, and SMS by events and actions for re-engagement, welcome emails, and more
  • Subscriber rating
  • Personalization
  • Subscription forms
  • Campaign analytics and statistics: click maps, geographic stats, statistics by device, error statistics, performance metrics such as open rates, click rates, unsubscribes
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Over 100 pre-made email design templates (including real estate)
  • Segmentation by gender, geographic location, and interests
  • A/B Testing
  • Team collaboration functionality by different user access levels
  • Third-party app integration: 186 apps
  • Facebook and Telegram chatbot builder
  • Bulk SMS Service to 1000+ mobile network operators in more than 200 countries, including personalization and CRM integration
  • Web-Push Notifications, including a developer API (application programming interface) and A/B testing
  • Deliverability with a built-in spam checker


You can use the platform for free with limited features and no more than 500 subscribers. 

The paid plan with all the features and no more than 500 subscribers starts at $8 per month and up to $13.44 monthly.

You can learn more about the provider here.

13) Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)

Brevo is another email marketing provider that merges its functionality with CRM functionality. 

Other features that also stand out are SMS and chat marketing and a large variety of campaign analytics reports.


  • Drag and drop email builder
  • 60+ pre-made email templates
  • Email personalization: recipients’ names in emails and dynamic content depending on the recipients
  • List segmentation by interest, previous engagement, and socio-economic or geographical characteristics
  • Send-time optimization
  • Email campaign analytics by geography, email provider, chronology, open rates, click rates, email heatmaps, delivery rate, conversion events, click-through rates, and more
  • Personalized bulk SMS campaigns, including analytics
  • Website chat
  • CRM features a fast set-up, centralized contact information, contact segmentation, task creation, and assignation
  • Automation workflows
  • Drag & Drop landing page builder
  • Drag & Drop email sign-up builder
  • Facebook Ad Creator directly from the platform
  • Dedicated IPs for large senders


The free plan with limited features (e.g., no A/B testing) is generous. You can have unlimited contacts and send up to 300 emails per day. 

The fee-based plans start at $25 per month (the Lite plan), and the premium plan costs $65 per month, with no email-sending limit.

You can learn more about the provider here.


11 CRMs With Email Marketing Features

As already mentioned, the lines are blurring.

At the end of this article, I don’t want you to miss some customer relationship management software offering email marketing functionality.

So, these providers focus on customer management functionality and then extend to email marketing.

I will give you a simple list to not make this article longer than it is already.
You can find further CRMs in this article.


4 Email Marketing Done For Your Services

This article wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t mention some email marketing services, where all the campaigns will be done for you.

These are the services to mention:


So, What’s the Best Real Estate Email Marketing Software? Conclusion & Results

I end this article by presenting the conclusion and the results.

Remember the section about the criteria for good email marketing software?

Regarding the “good” rating, all the presented platforms qualify and fulfill their criteria. So, if you throw a dart and pick one, you would be good to go.

However, according to my distribution of points in the decision grid table below, two providers are winners that can qualify as best. 

Email Marketing SoftwareMarketing AutomationMobile-Friendly Email Designs (Including Real Estate Templates)Performance AnalyticsA/B Testing CapabilitiesA Sound Opt-In and Opt-Out ProcessContact Management/ Segmentation OptionsDeliverabilityPersonalization CapabilitiesSecurity of User DataTotal
Brevo (Sendinblue)101010109101010988
Campaign Monitor1010910910910986
Constant Contact1010810910910985
Benchmark One107810910910982

These are Clever Reach and Brevo (formerly Sendinblue). 

Although both have the same points, I would declare Brevo (Sendinblue) as the winner since it also includes CRM, SMS marketing, and chat marketing (not to be confused with chatbots) features. 

Scaling up won’t be a problem if you grow your email list fast or already have a big one.

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team. It has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

Tobias Schnellbacher