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You may find yourself pretty often in a situation where you juggle countless real estate tasks, many of them real estate marketing or lead generation related. 

In these situations, you likely wish for a personal assistant who could lighten your load.

But not everyone has a budget for one; even if you did, it’s not easy to find good ones.

This is where the proper ChatGPT Prompt strategy can fulfill many different real estate tasks and use cases. 

However, like the genie in a bottle, you need to find the right way to ask. 

Therefore in today’s article, I will unravel the mystery of ChatGPT Prompts for real estate. 

I will explore the charm of ChatGPT prompts: what they are, the different types, and how to make them work for you in the ever-evolving world of real estate. 

I’ll even dive into the principles of prompt engineering and share insights into the emergence of new prompt types.

To top it all off, I’ve compiled a treasure trove of 13 ChatGPT Prompts for the most time-consuming real estate use cases. 

So without further adieu, let’s go… 

What Are ChatGPT Prompts?

In the world of AI language models, it’s all about prompts.

They’re like the secret ingredients that help you complete tasks based on your needs and individual real estate use cases.

Prompts in the context of AI language models and machine learning are statements, questions, or suggestions that act as a starting point or catalyst to guide the AI’s response or train the model to perform a specific task. 

They are essential in eliciting specific information, generating creative outputs, or completing tasks based on the user’s input.

So much for a more technical definition of what ChatGPT Prompts are. 


12 ChatGPT Prompt Types With Examples for Real Estate

Now, let’s dive into the different types of prompts, each with its unique purpose and a real estate example:

1) Example Prompts: You show ChatGPT examples of what you want, and it catches on.

Like giving it a property description, ChatGPT generates similar ones for new property listings.

2) Direct Prompting: Tell ChatGPT what to do, like “Calculate this property’s ROI” or “Find the nearest school to this address.” 

3) Zero-Shot Prompting: ChatGPT can sometimes figure things out without examples. 

For instance, ask about the impact of interest rates on mortgages, and it’ll use existing knowledge.

4) One-Shot Prompting: Give this type of prompt one example, and it will try to understand and apply the pattern. 

For example, show ChatGPT a successful open house invitation, and it’ll create one for your next event.

5) Few-Shot Prompting: It’s like one-shot prompting, but with a few examples to help ChatGPT get the hang of it even better. 

For instance, you describe different home staging styles, and it’ll suggest the best one for your property.

6) Zero-Shot Chain of Thought Prompting: This one’s a bit fancy. You guide ChatGPT through a series of related tasks or questions, like evaluating a property, suggesting improvements, and estimating the new value.

7) Role Prompting: This one always reminds me of the Asterix and Obelix scene with an Egyptian master hypnotist and magician (see video below).

So, you assign ChatGPT a role or persona, and it’ll generate a response that fits. 

Want investment advice? Make it a real estate expert, or do you need a catchy listing description? ChatGPT will be a creative writer.

8) Contextual Prompts: For this prompt type, you give it background info, and ChatGPT will tailor its response. 

If you want it to analyze a neighborhood, just provide some local details and add additional instructions to analyze the data.

10) Comparative Prompts: ChatGPT can compare different properties, investment strategies, or market trends to help you understand the differences and similarities

11) Socratic Prompts: This prompt type is inspired by the Socratic method

ChatGPT can ask thought-provoking questions that help you think and reflect together. For instance: “Let’s chat about a specific investment’s potential risks and rewards.

12) Conditional Prompts: Set specific conditions or criteria, and ChatGPT generates a response based on them. For instance, “Find 3-bedroom homes under $400,000 within a 10-mile radius.”


7 The Principles of ChaGPT Prompting (for Real Estate)

As you may already suspect from the above, providing you with ready-made ChatGPT prompts is like handing you over an unordered wild list of real estate lead generation ideas without considering your situation, such as your goals, needs, and constraints. 

In short, it wouldn’t be a good idea.

While a series of prompt combinations and several iterations will almost always result in better results, I will give you ChatGPT prompt types and examples for each of the most important real estate use cases instead. 

The real estate use cases for ChatGPT come from an article I wrote in which I analyzed and ordered ChatGPT use cases for real estate from most effective to least effective.

However, before I dive into them, it’s paramount to understand the principles of prompt engineering with ChatGPT. 

Without this knowledge, you will go only so far and stay on the surface like most people using ChatGPT the first time and using pretty “flat” prompts like: “Write me a listing description.” or “Has Kim Kardashian butt implants?”

So what is prompt engineering?

Prompt engineering is designing and optimizing prompts to effectively guide the responses of AI language models, such as GPT-3,4, etc., and other natural language processing systems. 

It involves crafting clear, concise, and well-structured instructions that help the AI understand the desired outcome or task, maximizing the quality and relevance of the generated output.

What Are the 7 Most Important Principles of Prompt Engineering?

1) Clarity and Specificity

Effective prompts should be clear and specific to ensure the AI understands the task. 

You want to avoid vague or ambiguous language that could lead to irrelevant or confusing responses.

2) Context and Background

Providing sufficient context and background information helps the AI generate more accurate and relevant responses. 

This can involve setting the scene, defining terms, or giving examples.

3) Task Formulation

Clearly define the task you want the AI to perform. 

For example, if you want the AI to summarize an article, explicitly request a summary and provide any necessary constraints or guidelines, such as word count or focus points.

4) Role Assignment

Assigning a specific role or persona to the AI can help guide its response, especially when you need it to adhere to a certain communication style, perspective, or set of guidelines.

5) Gradual Information Release

Breaking the prompt into smaller, more manageable parts for complex tasks can help the AI maintain focus and generate more coherent responses. 

This can involve providing information step-by-step or using a series of related prompts.

6) Experimentation and Iteration

Prompt engineering often involves trial and error. 

Test different prompt structures, phrasings, and techniques to identify the most effective approach for your real estate task or use case. 

Iterate your prompts based on the AI’s performance and feedback.

7) Evaluation and Feedback

Assess the AI’s responses to determine the effectiveness of your prompts. 

Look for patterns, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your prompt engineering strategy accordingly.


How Do Different Prompt Types Come About?

While I am writing this, new prompt types are probably emerging.

They emerge through continuous research, experimentation, and innovation in AI, natural language processing, and machine learning. 

As AI language models evolve, researchers and developers better understand their capabilities and limitations, which leads to developing new prompting strategies to optimize the AI’s performance.

Here are a few ways new types of prompts and techniques can emerge:

1) Advances in AI Models 

As AI language models become more sophisticated and capable, they can better understand and respond to more complex or nuanced prompts. 

These advancements encourage the development of new prompting techniques to leverage the AI’s improved capabilities. 

I bet the next emergence of new prompt types will come when ChatGPT increases the number of tokens, so you cold copy and paste whole books in it.

2) Research and Experimentation

Researchers and developers often conduct experiments, testing different prompt types and techniques to determine their effectiveness. 

Through trial and error, they can identify new approaches that get better results or uncover novel ways to guide the AI’s responses.

3) User Feedback and Collaboration

Developers and users of AI language models can share their experiences and insights with the broader community, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing. 

This feedback can lead to discovering new prompt types and techniques that address specific challenges or improve the AI’s overall performance.

4) Cross-Disciplinary Insights

Drawing on knowledge from other fields, such as psychology, linguistics, and education, can help inform the development of new prompting strategies. 

Researchers and prompt engineers can design more effective prompts for AI language models by understanding how humans learn, communicate, and process information.

5) Customization for Specific Use Cases

As AI language models are applied to various tasks and industries, developers may create specialized prompts and techniques to address unique requirements, constraints, or goals. 

These custom prompts can lead to new types and techniques that cater to specific use cases.


13 ChatGPT Prompts for the Most Time-Consuming Real Estate Use Cases

In a recent article, I discussed nine real estate use cases where ChatGPT can help you save time.

But today, I will provide you with “starter” prompts (remember the best outcome you get with a series of prompts) for each and four more.

So a total of 13 real estate use cases will be covered.

As a reminder, here they are again, with the additional four I added for today’s article.

1) Automated Property Listing Descriptions

2) Buyer and Seller Lead Qualification

3) Personalized Property Recommendations

4) Customer Relationship Management

5) Social Media Content Generation

6) Real Estate Email Marketing Campaigns

7) Real Estate Content Marketing

8) Automated Real Estate Contract Generation

9) Real Estate Competitor Analysis

10) Chatbot-assisted property search

11) Real estate market trend analysis

12) Virtual property tours and staging

13) Real estate agent training and onboarding.

You may have already found some information about prompts in real estate, and some categorically say that you shouldn’t use questions when prompting because it gives you subpar results.

Unfortunately, that’s not the best advice because it depends…

It hinges on your real estate use case and the task you want to accomplish.

So depending on that, you will need to “engineer” a different type of prompt to get the best output.

Based on the different types of prompts I covered in an earlier section, I created a table with short prompt examples for the different use cases below.

For each of the real estate use cases listed, I’ll suggest the most effective type of prompt that can be used with an AI language model:

Real Estate Use CaseChatGPT Prompt TypePrompt Example
Automated Property Listing DescriptionsDirect PromptingWrite a property listing description for a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house in Miami, Florida, with a pool and a large backyard.
Buyer and Seller Lead QualificationContextual PromptsGiven the following buyer profile, determine if they qualify for a mortgage: Income: $80,000, Credit score: 680, Down payment: $20,000.
Personalized Property RecommendationsConditional PromptsRecommend three properties for a family of four looking for a house in Austin, Texas, with a budget of $450,000 and a preference for a quiet neighborhood.
Customer Relationship ManagementRole PromptingAs a real estate agent, draft an email to a client who recently purchased a property, offering assistance with any post-purchase concerns.
Social Media Content GenerationDirect PromptingCreate a social media post to promote an open house event this weekend.
Real Estate Email Marketing CampaignsDirect PromptingDraft an email newsletter to promote new property listings and upcoming open houses.
Real Estate Content MarketingDirect PromptingWrite a blog post about the top 5 reasons to invest in real estate.
Automated Real Estate Contract GenerationContextual PromptsGenerate a real estate purchase agreement between the buyer, John Smith, and the seller, Jane Doe, for a property at 123 Main St, Los Angeles, CA.
Real Estate Competitor AnalysisSocratic PromptsAnalyze the marketing strategies of two competing real estate agencies in New York City. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each agency's approach?
Chatbot-assisted property searchRole PromptingAs a chatbot, help the user find a 2-bedroom apartment for rent in San Francisco within their budget of $3,000 per month.
Real estate market trend analysisComparative PromptsCompare the real estate market trends in Boston and Seattle over the past year. What factors are driving the differences in these two markets?
Virtual property tours and stagingDirect PromptingCreate a script for a virtual tour of a 4-bedroom house in Chicago, highlighting its key features and selling points.
Real estate agent training and onboardingContextual PromptsDesign a training module for new real estate agents, covering the essential skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the industry.

Remember that while I’ve suggested specific prompt types for each use case, prompt engineering is an iterative process. 

The most effective prompt type for your situation may vary depending on the AI model and your unique requirements. 

Success often depends on how creatively you can apply a series of different prompt-type combinations iterated over time.

So as with starting a lead generation campaign from scratch, again, you want to experiment with different prompt structures and techniques to optimize the ChatGPT’s performance for each use case. 

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team. It has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.

Tobias Schnellbacher