Analytics & Performance Tracking
Why Real Estate Conversion Rates Are 6-Times Below Average
Did you know that the average lead conversion rates of real estate websites are actually pretty bad? For a few months now, I've been trying to find a likely reason for this. But how bad is the lead conversion rate on real estate websites? According to this source,...
Track These 7 Most Important Real Estate Marketing KPIs and Win
Do you like to throw money at different marketing channels, don’t get any results and don’t know why you didn’t get the expected results? Well, me neither. But this happens when you have a list of different marketing channels you plan to use based on your real estate...
How to Use Google Analytics for Real Estate and Not Fly Blind
Having a real estate website is one thing, but knowing how well it does and where it could be optimized is something else. If you don’t know how your website is doing, you will fly blind. You will also miss many opportunities to improve its lead generation capacity....